1904 Hosptial

Note: You will want to view these by rolling your mouse over each thumbnail horizontally. Scroll passed the picture before you horizontally scroll back around to the next row. Scroll down as you do this.

An a abandoned hospital building in 1904, added on in the 1950's, again in the 70's, and finally closed in 2008 when replaced by a newer hospital. This was very difficult to explore as it was huge and much of it was too dark to photograph, but we did our best. Some of these pictures are not the greatest, but some are decent. This is definitely more of an archival trip.

Another interesting thing about this building was the humidity level. It had been raining for days, but the inside of the building became so humid it was sweating. You will see this in many of the pictures and the fogged lens

Some of these were taken while walking around the place while others were taken from inside the building.

Way in and Boiler Room Area.

Oncology Area and Other Doctors Area

The Oldest Part of the building.

A Few Pictures of the Old Building, the Concourse, and the Newer Building.

Main Lobby and Gift Shop

OR Rooms, CT rooms, and Linear Accelerator.

Laboratory, Cafeteria, an Auditorium Someone Burned, and some Random Stuff.

